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People Power: English Forests Saved… for now

A call for celebration. The campaign to stop the government from selling off the English forests has surprised the coalition with its depth of support and they have announced that the program has been scrapped.

Some of the responses from campaigners are below, and as is pointed out “the government is still allowed to sell-off 15% of forest and woodland every 4 years…. if you thin about it, that could be 45% after 12 years!”

Below are some of the responses to the success of the campaign on the 38degrees Facebook page

Eileen Nicholson:  A large percentage of woodland workers have already been given their notice.

The next thing is, the ‘powers that would be’ will say the woodland aren’t being mantained well enough and will us that as an excuse to take over. Are there any woodland workers out there prepared to share their story with us?  Horse’s mouth and al…

David Clarke:  I don’t think they believe they got it wrong… this was just to test the water and we must not be complacent as the government is still allowed to sell-off 15% of forest and woodland every 4 years…. if you think about it, that could be 45% after 12 years!

Vanessa Mordin:  Not so fast with all the congratulations!!! There are changes due with the planning laws which will make it possible for local authorities to allow woodland to be built on. Please go to the Woodland Trust website for more information and sign up to that campaign.

Victoria Taylor:  Knew they would find a way to do it……together we have to stop them. They are using a psychological method that they used when they were trying to close the coal mines, tell the miners that they were going to close 8 pits, debate it and then only close 3…..the miners thought they were victorious, but really the government had only ever intended to close 3 pits. This is the same kind of psychological warfare that they are using with our woodlands.

Neil Hughes:  What fantastic news. This policy, as in the case of the NHS reforms and cuts in welfare services, was driven by pure ideological hatred of either public or common (despite the big society rhetoric) alternatives to private property.

It’s exactly the same struggle as is being waged by indigenous groups in the Amazon rain…forest against state attempts to undermine their collective property rights and privatise their land. Thanks to 38 degrees for organising the campaign and congratulations on its success. Looking forward to the next one!!!!

Mickey Modern:  This is the way the UK Britain should be run. By the people for the people! After the fuss has died down, shouldn’t 38 Degree appoint a ‘green’ Lawyer to go through any new Government ruling on this issue?

Dean Bromley:  The problem is this doesn’t stop governments selling our forests and woods they will just sell them off bit by bit as they have been doing for many years, before we know it in 10-20 years time we will find out they have sold them all off behind our backs, what we need to do is make sure they cannot sell any more forest…

Flangela Pangela:   If you want evidence of what our forests would be turned into, if they were leased out or sold off to private companies, take a look at Parkhurst Forest on the Isle of Wight. This ancient forest HAS been leased out to European logging firm “Euroforest” and it is being unsympathetically ripped up at an alarming rate.

Where once there was dense forest, there is now torn up waste land. I understand it is the commercially grown pine that is being logged, but there is a lot of damage to the native trees and the rate at which the forest is disappearing is worrying. I have also seen no evidence of replanting.

The Isle of Wight is well known as one of the last havens for red squirrels in Britain and Parkhurst forest was the largest habitat they had. It is so upsetting to see this happening here on our beloved Isle, but it is heartening to hear that people’s voices have put a stop to this happening elsewhere.

Emily Parry:   I don’t trust any of them – not one bit. I feel almost ashamed I voted at all, as I voted LibDem, but I also feel ashamed that I voted at all, as all of them have been involved in this except perhaps the greens or a few independents.

How dare they even think of this sell off of forests?! I looked at the stakeholders list – there were housing developers on it. It was disgraceful – the stakeholders should not have included them, because the forest should have at least have been assured legal protection against having housing put over them!

Can anyone tell me – is there a way to have a “vote of no confidence” in our current political system?

Julia Neesham:  Overwhelmed with a sense of being part of this monumental movement towards protecting our environment, power to the people and trees!!!!

Shane Beaver:  Proof that people out there really do care about the environment of the UK, and are determined to do something about. Another defeat for greed! That can’t be bad!

Patricia Rutt:   So pleased, we helped plant a wood in our village for the Millenium and it is looking lovely now so great. Our MP was all for the sell off ( tory ) and is now sending out emails saying how pleased he is we have won, how hypocypical. Have signed the coast guard petition, lets get that one going and remember folks they …are going to try and bring fox hunting back !! Please keep an eye on that one. We are now going out of our way to look for any just causes that we can sign for.

David Clarke:  I don’t understand why they have to waste millions on feasibility studies BEFORE they’ve actually asked the public what they think….

Joanna Newbold:  FANTASTIC…..hip hip hooray to everyone who stuck up for their rights.People Power does work and so does the support of M.P’s fighting for the same cause. Thank you 38 Degrees team, your efforts and attention have been tireless. Inspiring outcome BUT we must make sure the Government does not blind side this decision and be vigilant, as a National Team we know we can make it work, it has up till now!

Kathleen Basiewicz:  People power emerges, what is next for us to conquer

Julia Neesham:  Overwhelmed with a sense of being part of this monumental movement towards protecting our environment, power to the people and trees!!!!

Andy Plummer:  Was becoming very cynical about trying to object to things that seem beyond our control. This result has gone part way to reinstate belief in POWER TO THE PEOPLE. Good old Wolfie 🙂

Peter Wallace: It’s great to feel heard! Long may it continue! Thanks 38 degrees for making it possible……….

Sylvia Barham:  great!!! about time we the people had our say.

Ed Hooper :  Well done everyone it would seem that people power can make a difference. Now can we please have our country back?

Joanna Newbold:  Too damn’s time we let our combined voices/thoughts heard..fed up with being a ‘sheep’ herded round and penned up. Time to make a change and put right the massive wrong in our system.

Helen George:  How fantastic that we actually got somewhere with the government! This was the only time I have ever written to my MP about anything so I am thrilled that it worked. Thanks for bringing such an important campaign to my and everyone else’s attention. I think without your campaign, this proposal could very well have slipped under the radar. God forbid!

Evelyn Corney:  Forests can never be rightfully “owned” – instead, we all share a joint responsibility to keep them and preserve them so that everyone can enjoy them! Thank God that sanity prevailed on this occasion.

Anne Bell:  Like it I love it. I didn’t spend Sundays with Brownies and Guides planting trees to have someone tell me I can’t stand next to them. a wonderfully well done everyone who bothered to speak out.

Jake Rigby:  internet = real democracy

Ronnie McInnes:  Superb news – I’m based in Scotland but was dead opposed to this happening anywhere in UK. I also used 38 Degrees great pages to get access to my local MP to find out why he had abstained. More than a week later I’m still waiting for his promised return call… Guess who’s vote he and his LIBDEM party will be losing at next election 🙂

Mary Woodfield:  Absolutely brilliant news. I feel really proud to have been part of the campaign. Congratulations 38 degrees.

Ray Riley:  Just a thought, when people in previous governments got things as wrong as this they resigned. Usually stating it was the honourable thing to do. Does this ramshackle ConDem bunch of miscreants know anything about honour or decency or fairnes or ……

Wendi Jarrett:  Seriously excellent news. We the people CAN make our voices heard. all over the world ORDINARY PEOPLE are STANDING UP AND SPEAKING OUT… and democratically changing things. Excellent … Walk good x

Krystyna Boswell:   So delighted over the success of the forest campaign. In dark times it is hard to imagine we, the people, can have an effect on government policy. But we did. Next battle…..

Extinct Animals of the 20th Century

Things we don’t have to be proud of as humans…

Don’t always believe people if they tell you big business or commercial interests won’t harm the environment or wildlife, they just might not be right. And next time you consider buying items not sourced from environmentally friendly sources, maybe give it a second thought and vote for a better world with your purchasing power.

The Atlantic Forests – Brazil

Once stretching 330 million acres, an area twice the size of Texas, the Atlantic Forest of Brazil is one of the world’s most extraordinary forests. And yet today, after hundreds of years of deforestation, only seven percent of this biological treasure remains.

Home to jaguars, tamarins and hundreds of bird species found nowhere else on Earth, the Atlantic Forest also provides important economic and health benefits to surrounding communities and cities, including the mega-cities of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

This video is from the Nature Conservancy who work on projects across the world for nature conservation. See more detail on their website:

The Great Halloween Sell-off: Some Questions Remain

2011 has been declared the “International Year of the Forests” by the United Nations, for good reason and it would seem a great pity considering their sub-title: “Celebrating Forests for People” if it proved to be the year in which the British people lost their own forests.

This may well come to be remembered as the “Great Halloween Sell-off”, as it was around about the time of Halloween in which the government announced it plans to sell off at least half of the land in England that at present belongs to the British people and which is being maintained under the stewardship of the Forestry Commission.

150,000 hectares of forest and other land owned by the state in England are to be sold within three years. The original idea of selling off forests right across Britain was dropped when the Scottish and Welsh governments said they were not willing to sacrifice their forests (presumably realising the Scots and the Welsh are not stupid enough to let them get away with something like this).

In today’s climate of austerity and cut-backs is this something we should be at all concerned about, or is it an issue of little importance?

We are only just beginning to realise the value of trees and forests to ourselves, and that once they have gone we lose assets that are irreplaceable. It is worth doing some serious research regarding the facts and issues involved in order to make an informed choice as to whether we are happy to allow the forests to be privatised, or whether keeping the forests as our own is something worth fighting for.

This may be the last time we have any say in the matter and there seem to be some people who are very keen to get their hands on at least certain areas of our forests and they have their own agendas which may have little to do with good stewardship of forests or wildlife or maintaining public access to the places “where the wild things go”…


Some of the points brought up by environmental writers, various organisations as well as members of the general public in response to this issue are quoted below. There is plenty of food for thought. If you think the issue is important enough to be worth at least being allowed the dignity of a comprehensive evaluation before decisions are made regarding the future of the British forests, consider adding your name to the petition at



This is not the first time a Conservative government has tried to privatise the nation’s forests. Maggie Thatcher wanted to sell off the forests along with the National Railways, Water, Gas, Electricity etc. We still pay the price for the things she did manage to sell, or practically give away.

John Major tried to privatise the Forestry Commission in 1992

An article in the Independent, by Duff Hart-Davis published in July 1993 could easily have been written as a response to the current Government announcement of its intentions to privatise publicly-owned forests.

“In its desperate search for assets to sell, the Treasury has been casting hungry eyes on the Forestry Commission, the state organisation that, with more than 2.5 million acres, is by far the largest owner and manager of land in Great Britain. This is the moment, therefore, for a clear statement of the belief that privatisation of the commission would be a national disaster.

The simplest argument against a sale is purely financial. Estimates of what the commission’s woodlands are worth have varied sharply. An early figure of pounds 2.7bn is now thought to have been a wild exaggeration; the latest suggestions range from pounds 1.4bn down to pounds 700m. At this rate the gain to the Treasury would be derisory: it would staunch the current budget deficit for three or four days.

Not only that: a sale now would lose the Government very considerable revenue in the future, for, after a slow build-up during the 70 years of its existence, the commission is scheduled to break even for the first time in 1995. Its timber production is rising fast as woods planted in the Thirties and Forties come to maturity, and output will double by the year 2022, with only small extra production or administrative costs.

Finance, however, is only one consideration. More important to ordinary people is the fact that the commission’s forests have become a recreational asset beyond value, offering a general freedom to roam not available on private land. Simply because access is so open, nobody knows precisely how many people enjoy the state forests, but the commission’s own estimate is that they receive more than 50 million visits a year from walkers, joggers, picnickers, campers, caravaners, bird- watchers, orienteers, riders, mountain- bikers, scientific researchers and others, not to mention hordes of schoolchildren in field-study groups.”

Previous attempts drew such outrage and resistance from the public and environmental organisations that they failed.


Caroline Spelman, the Environmental Secretary gave assurances when questioned in parliament about the planned sale of forestry land that “not one tree can be felled without a licence being issued by my Department. In the last analysis, we are committed to forest biodiversity and to enhancing biodiversity. Our forests are among the richest of our genetic resources and we have every intention of protecting them”

When considering how likely the government is to keep these kind of promises, it is worth keeping in mind that  the government department in charge of environment faced some of the greatest cutbacks of  all. DEFRA – Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs had its annual budget cut by 30%, including the effect of inflation, which is considerably higher than the government average of 19%.

In addition to this, these cuts are likely to affect the Environmental budget more than those of the Food or Rural Affairs Department – conservation experts are worried that the bulk of these cuts are likely to be made to projects and policies to protect the natural world.

Cutbacks in staff and funding will also make it increasingly difficult for environmental policies to be enforced and any promises made now may prove to be as empty as this government’s original promise to be the “greenest government ever”.

Initial Response to the Announcement of Forestry Sales

“If this means vast swathes of valuable forest being sold to private developers, it will be an unforgivable act of environmental vandalism. Rather than asset-stripping our natural heritage, government should be preserving public access to it, and fostering its role in combating climate change and enhancing biodiversity,” –  Caroline Lucas, Green MP
“We are concerned developers will cherry pick the most profitable land and we will see huge pressure for development in sensitive places. The environment is going to pay a high price for its settlement in the recent spending review.” – Mary Creagh, Shadow Environment Secretary
“The observation I would make is that Great Britain is miles behind any other country in Europe in making use of its forest resources. Everywhere else in Europe has lots of small biomass-generation plants. We don’t have that network, which makes me question whether it’s the best time to be selling our forests.

As an environmentalist, I very much hope they won’t think of selling off the biggest and best of our forests, like the Forest of Dean. I hope that remains in public hands.” – Ben Goldsmith, Financier and Environmentalist
“This sale is likely raise a tiny amount but could do immeasurable damage and cost the nation dearly. This land will not be sold for anything like its real environmental and social value. There is no way the private sector is going to provide the same level of care [as the commission],” – Paul Hetherington, Spokesman for the Woodland Trust.
“The Forestry Commission (FC) owns a substantial amount of land which is of high value for wildlife – a tremendous national asset. Transfer of such land should not take place before a clear policy has been established (Forests sell-off plan is ‘asset-stripping our natural heritage’, 25 October). This policy should ensure areas of high wildlife value – including sites of special scientific interest and local wildlife sites – are secured in the long term. If such sites are to be transferred, the best way to guarantee their future would be to give priority to nature conservation bodies. We hope our strong partnership with the FC will continue, so we can make the most of our strong local presence.” – Stephanie Hilborne, Chief Executive, The Wildlife Trusts
“I have no doubt that this is something our members would be interested in. What we would be concerned about is if the land is put on the market all at the same time. This would enable industrial landowners to buy them all up and aggressively control the market” – Mike Seville, Forestry and Woodland Advisor for the Country Landowners’ Association.
“The future ownership and management of land that has high public value should be carefully considered. The proposed land sales are driven by the need to generate quick cash, but they must not be at the expense of protecting our natural capital, which is irreplaceable.” – Mark Avery, Conservation Director at the RSPB

Some of the Questions

On his blog on the Guardian website, John Vidal includes a list of questions to address regarding the forestry sales. These have been “distilled from Foot’s Book (a new book by David Foot on the history of British forests  over the last 100 years), the Ramblers, Caroline Lucas and others concerned enough about the sale to have written to the Guardian in the last few days.”

1. Will the Forestry Commission itself decide which woods are to be sold?. If not, who will?

2. How will the taxpayer benefit?

3. Will charities and conservation groups be allowed to buy woods by negotiation, or will it be a straight competition?

4. Will employment be guaranteed to former commission workers in socially fragile areas?

5. How will the government ensure that the forests are not simply asset-stripped?

6. Will the government guarantee that no sale or transfer is completed until the buyer has committed to preserving and maintaining access?

7. What effect will the sale have on biomass energy, paper and other companies who need to be able to guarantee supplies of wood?

8. Will the forests be sold on the open market?

9. Where access is currently not secured in law, will this be remedied through the Countryside and Rights of Way Act?

10. How will public access be guaranteed?

11. What guarantees can the government give that conservation will be practised or woods will stay in sympathetic ownership?

12. Will conservation bodies be given privileged opportunity to buy the woods?

13. Will the government still have to pay out to whoever takes over the forests to ensure that the commission’s conservation and recreation policies are maintained?

14. How much revenue-earning potential will the sell-off leave the commission?

Other points raised by Guardian readers:

•Surely the most fundamental question of all for the government to answer if it wants to make sales is WHY sell Forestry Commission woodland to ANY private operator? Why should this vital human need as well as national asset that the government says is only 18% of our pitifully small national forest estate be handed over to anyone? There must be plenty of land then for private operators to start planting on?

•Why not hand it all to conservation groups or better still some of it to a kind of woodland federation perhaps titled the National Forest Trust – with an endowment of course since governments on behalf of the population have for years plundered our natural environment it is well past the time when something should be put back into the environment?

•Who will control the tree diseases introduced by the free market over many years that are devastating timber stocks?

•What about a couple from the DEFRA question and answer session in Parliament yesterday like the forestry industry has stated that the supply and quality of timber from the FC is good – I think that’s a tick for the FC.

•What guarantees will the government give that NONE of the land won’t be chipped away by developers or be turned into theme parks?

•Does the government really believe that timber corporations will manage land sustainably for wildlife and people as well – if so how will it ensure that?

•Will the government guarantee that woodland will not be managed for millions of stupid non native pheasants for city guns and excluding people during the shooting season or killing species that prey on their precious pheasants?

•Many people do not see the need for significant profits to be taken from our countryside, just reasonable ones that give jobs and opportunities to people who will manage our countryside benignly and will actually increase its extent for everyone’s enjoyment as well as help to provide natural resources that we can use sustainably.”

•There is a principle or assumption underpinning all land ownership in this country to the effect that if someone owns land, the landowner should be able to do more or less what they like with it. The planning system broadly supports that principle. That planning system is demonstrably only normally able to delay a determined landowner but not stop them. Why then should the public agree or even remotely want to see, the sale of our already disappearing landscape that we hold to be held in trust and protected for the benefit of us all, to one person or company?

•Will the government prevent fragmentation through a condition of sale and ensure through a well defined process that a site is improved and not degraded? How much will this cost to monitor?

•Will the government incorporate a guarantee that none of the land can be sold for development, or not without the agreement of conservation groups?

•Will small sustainable businesses such as charcoal makers and woodland products producers and educationists have a place?

•Many local authorities manage public open space badly. Spending priorities are focussed on the built infrastructure because it gets votes. What requirements will be made of local authorities and what will this cost?

•What kinds of businesses will be permitted in woodland? What impact does the government think these businesses will have in terms of; numbers of people, disturbance to wildlife, built infrastructure, access roads, solitude.

•What changes will the government make to inadequate wildlife legislation and to existing failing planning policies to protect these woodlands from exploitative landowners?

•What net financial benefit does the government envisage from these sales? What are the calculations that have been used?

•What are the public benefit improvements that we will see from selling off FC sites?

•What precisely are the public benefits that will be retained and, what new public benefits perhaps currently received from the FC will be added to these?

•What accountability and monitoring is envisaged of private woodland and by whom, for example to determine; quality of timber management, biodiversity management, quality of all public benefits, disease control. What will this cost? Will the government retain the option of taking back land that fails to meet expected standards?

•Why not hand management of some land only, to national conservation groups? Given that successive governments have permitted and actively encouraged biodiversity to be destroyed and used any revenues earned for political purposes how much will the government award the conservation groups to repair the massive damage inflicted on the environment?”

•What is going to happen to the English Woodland grant Scheme?

•Will there be any changes in the tax statutes of woodlands?

•Will there be any amendments to the Forestry Act 1967 in regards to felling licences?

•Will the current planning status of woodland within PPG9 be changed within the new proposed changes to the planning legislation?

•Will the value of the woodlands that will be put up for sale reflect the amount of grants and taxable benefits that they will be available to the new owners of the woodland?

•How many Forestry Commission staff will lose their jobs?

•What will happen to Forest Research?

•How are the Tories going to fulfil their manifesto pledge to plant one million new trees in the next Parliament?”


There are lively discussions across the web on the issues.

An anonymous 17th poem which an online reader posted on the Telegraph website could have been written for today… Do we ever learn?

“They hang the man,
and flog the woman,
That steals the goose from off the common;
But let the greater villain loose,
That steals the common from the goose.”

Anonymous, 17th century

The American Indian quotation below seems to me to make a lot more sense than much that is spoken by “leaders” in our society, whether political leaders, or leaders in industry.

“We must protect the forests for our children,
grand-children and children yet to be born.
We must protect the forests for those
who can’t speak for themselves
such as the birds, animals, fish and trees.”

Qwatsinas (Hereditary Chief Edward Moody), Nuxalk Nation


Once again: If you feel the future of the forests deserves more attention and they should not be sold off and perhaps lost to the public forever before a comprehensive evaluation has been made of the best  , consider signing the petition at:

(38 degrees is apparently the angle at which an avalanche happens. Members “take simple, powerful actions to weigh in at critical moments when our values are at stake and we can make a difference.”)

Halloween Party to Sell of OUR Forests

Halloween is a time when ghost and horror stories abound, and people walk the streets dressed as ghouls and ghosts and skeletons…

Listening to the news yesterday I was reminded that the “Halloween Party” is back… with a ghoulish spine tingling hellish plan..

Privatisation of rail, gas, electricity, water etc has made billions for fat cats and left the rest of us paying subsidies to companies who overcharge us to use resources that used to belong to us as a nation. Being overcharged for things that don’t work properly anymore is not actually a great deal of fun.

Privatised prisons have a dismal record, privatised healthcare has a litany of bad practice and cover-ups, selling off council housing has had the strange effect of leaving us with nowhere for the less wealthy to be housed…

And now they want our forests.
The government announced this week that it plans to sell off our forests.

Why call it a HELLISH plan? Because they take what is yours and sell it… you don’t get the money – you just get charged a HELL of a lot to use it in the future.

The nightmare continues…

One of my favourite song lyrics is Joni Mitchell’s “Big Yellow Taxi” which unfortunately proves relevant over and over again…


by Joni Mitchell

They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
With a pink hotel, a boutique
And a swinging hot spot

Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Till it’s gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

They took all the trees
Put ’em in a tree museum
And they charged the people
A dollar and a half just to see ’em

Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Till it’s gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

Hey farmer farmer
Put away the D.D.T. now
Give me spots on my apples
But leave me the birds and the bees

Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Till it’s gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

Late last night
I heard my screen door slam
And a big yellow taxi
Took away my old man

Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Till it’s gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

I said don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Till it’s gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

People Power – Sacred Mountain Saved

This is what makes environmental campaigning all worthwhile – the planned mining on the sacred Indian Mountain the tribal land of the Dongria Kondh has been stopped, afte four years of protests by locals and environmental organisations.

Controversial plans to develop a bauxite mine on sacred tribal land in India have been cancelled by India’s environment ministry. The Dongria Kondh’s – an indigenous tribe who have lived since time immemorial around the mountain Niyamgiri in the Indian state of Orissa – demands have been met, and the area will remain wild, lush and sacred. Multi-national company Vedanta’s existing aluminum refinery in the area had polluted local rivers, damaged crops and disrupted the lives of the local tribe; and will now not be able to expand six-fold. This is a Dongria Kondh victory first and foremost.

The project has been delayed by four years because of the Dongria Kondh’s intense opposition locally – including the brandishing of bows and arrows – as well as from environmental and tribal rights group. Globally, a loosely coordinated campaign sought to persuade multi-national Vedanta’s shareholders and financiers to distance themselves from the company. This is their magnificent victory as well – for Survival International and Amnesty International, various celebrity activists such as Bianca Jagger and Michael Palin, and numerous other loosely affiliated affinity campaigns, including most recently from Ecological Internet working with the Rainforest Information Centre.

“Yet again global people power has come to the aid of small, intact communities battling the ecosystem destroying economic growth machine. The Dongria Kondh’s amazing efforts should be placed in the context of a global people’s power movement to protect and restore ecosystems, and wrest control of land from industrial and speculative capitalism,” asserts Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet’s President.

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