A six-story statue of Jesus Christ in Monroe, Ohio was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, leaving a blacked steel skeleton.
Insurance companies are calling it “An Act of God”
The “King of Kings” statue had become one of southwest Ohio’s most familiar landmarks having stood at the evangeliocal Solid Rock Church since 20004. The church and statue are next to the Interstate 75 highway in Monroe, just north of Cincinatti.
The statue was made of plastic foam and fiberglass over a steel frame, showing the torso of Jesus with upraised arms. It was nicknamed “The Touchdown Jesus” because the pose resembled a referee signalling a touchdown.
The same nickname is used for a famous mural of the resurected Jesus that overlooks the Notre Dame football stadium.
Lightning struck the statue about 11.15pm on Monday, setting it on fire – damage from the fire was estimated at $700,000 with another $300,000 damage caused to an adjacent ampitheater.
I sometimes have to chuckle at myself when I realise that what I thought were the correct words to a song turn out to be somewhat off the mark, so I do like to see what kinds of misconceptions other people have, to make me feel a bit better and it’s astounding to see what creative imaginations peoples’ ears can have.
If you are ever looking for good ideas for a science fiction book or a short story, the wierd and wonderful things people think they hear can be a very good place to start…
Here are a few of the mis-heard lyrics I have come across on the web:
————– Song: Africa Artist: Toto
Real Lyric:
There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
Misheard Lyric:
There’s nothing that a hundred men from Mars could ever do
Song: Mrs Robinson Artist: Simon and Garfunkel
Real Lyric:
We’d like to know a little bit about you for our files
Misheard Lyric:
We’d like to know a little bit about your four armed flies
Song: Blowin’ in the Wind Artist: Bob Dylan
Real Lyric: The answer, my friend,
is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.
Misheard Lyric:
The ants are my friends,
they’re blowin’ in the wind
The ants are a-blowin’ in the wind.
You see… that’s just three examples and you already have some great imagery for a science fiction story in the making.
Of course, some of the misheard lyrics are far more down-to-earth and quite believable even if they weren’t actually the words to the song. One good example of this comes from the Canadian National Anthem, no less:
Song: Canadian National Anthem
Real Lyric: Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee..
Misheard Lyric:
Oh Canada, we stand on cars and freeze…
That’s quite believable, although why they would be standing quite there does leave a bit to the imagination.
And when your science fiction novel is finished you can get Molly to help getting it printed: