I sometimes have to chuckle at myself when I realise that what I thought were the correct words to a song turn out to be somewhat off the mark, so I do like to see what kinds of misconceptions other people have, to make me feel a bit better and it’s astounding to see what creative imaginations peoples’ ears can have.
If you are ever looking for good ideas for a science fiction book or a short story, the wierd and wonderful things people think they hear can be a very good place to start…
Here are a few of the mis-heard lyrics I have come across on the web:
Song: Africa
Artist: Toto
Real Lyric:
There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
Misheard Lyric:
There’s nothing that a hundred men from Mars could ever do
Song: Mrs Robinson
Artist: Simon and Garfunkel
Real Lyric:
We’d like to know a little bit about you for our files
Misheard Lyric:
We’d like to know a little bit about your four armed flies
Song: Blowin’ in the Wind
Artist: Bob Dylan
Real Lyric: The answer, my friend,
is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.
Misheard Lyric:
The ants are my friends,
they’re blowin’ in the wind
The ants are a-blowin’ in the wind.
You see… that’s just three examples and you already have some great imagery for a science fiction story in the making.
Of course, some of the misheard lyrics are far more down-to-earth and quite believable even if they weren’t actually the words to the song. One good example of this comes from the Canadian National Anthem, no less:
Song: Canadian National Anthem
Real Lyric: Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee..
Misheard Lyric:
Oh Canada, we stand on cars and freeze…
That’s quite believable, although why they would be standing quite there does leave a bit to the imagination.
And when your science fiction novel is finished you can get Molly to help getting it printed: